Can I take a course on your site?

We do not host courses. We only list the programs of Teachers who have met the requirements to be listed. You can look up teachers or programs based on your needs and interests.

Do you credential teachers? Do you provide teacher training?

No. We are strictly a listing service. We do not credential teachers, nor are we a training organization. Rather, we trust the established organizations that have been doing this already for years, and that are bound by shared ethical commitments to good practice. We are trying to give better visibility to the teachers who are already trained to teach and credentialed.

Do you charge a percentage of course revenue?

No. Our services are funded by flat subscription fees, and not from course revenue. In fact, many teachers listed do not offer public courses, but rather teach in private practices or within institutions.

How can I list my programs and profile?

You can read more about requirements for teachers to be listed, and what are our standards for listing courses. For now, we are focused on primarily listing qualified and certified MBSR teachers. We welcome applications!

How can I benefit from the BIPOC scholarship fund?

We are so glad you asked. This year we are building the fund through our subscriptions and hope to open for applications in January 2022, in time for the winter sessions of teacher training. More information will be published on the process here.

Who do you think you are?

That’s always a good question. We are just a couple of teachers who have been working to list the offerings of our colleagues in the New York area for the last 10 years through the MBSR Teachers Collaborative of Greater New York. Our efforts grew from there, and appear to still be needed for now. As teachers ourselves, we are listed in several other directories. Yet none of them so far is really making an impact or has the features we would need, so we thought we would give this a shot. You can read more about our team and history here.